Home Breaking News What you need to know about Friday’s climate strikes across Canada

What you need to know about Friday’s climate strikes across Canada

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This Friday, students, and protesters will hit the streets again in Canada and the world for another round of global climate attack. Here’s what you need to know.

Wasn’t the global climate strike last Friday?

Yes! September 20 is the kick-off for a week of climate action, with two global climate attack planned on September 20 and September 27, the UN emergency climate summit held on 23 September, in between the two strike dates climate. The global attack inspired by #FridaysForFuture, following the movement of the Swedish Greta Thunberg activists calls for students to strike.

According to the Global Climate Strike Net, a site run by 350.org which tracks attacks different climates across the planet has more than one attack so close together helped to maintain momentum.

“There is a great strength in sustained action week after week to match the scale of the climate emergency,” the website reads.

This strike Earth Strike Friday joined to make a huge environmental attack.

Website for Strike Earth said the day was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of Silent Spring, “a book that kick-started the environmental movement.” Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson, out on September 27, 1962, and revealed the side effects of certain pesticides have on the environment.

Which Canadian city were striking on Friday?

There was a strike going on coast to coast. The complete list can be found by looking at a map breaking down the climate in the Global Climate Strike Net. There is also a map on a Friday for the Future website, which said that around 200 strikes, demonstrations or meetings that take place in Canada on Friday.

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Some cited where the attack will take place in Vancouver, Thunder Bay, Ont., Victoria, Winnipeg, Yellowknife, Calgary, Regina, Edmonton, St. John’s, N.L., Halifax, and Toronto.

Thunberg will join the parade Montreal and will give a speech along with other activists. Justin Trudeau federal Liberal leader also said he would join the rally in Montreal.

Will businesses are open?

Although the majority of businesses will be affected by the strike, some companies have pledged to respect the call to close.

Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) will close 22 stores across the country until 5:00 pm so that staff can participate in the rallies.

Cosmetic fertile would close 50 stores, manufacturing facilities and online shopping stop in Canada on Friday.

And a spokesman for Indigo Books & Music said that the home office in Toronto and Montreal will allow employees to attend the strike.

Students will be allowed to skip class to go on strike?

Some school boards are taking steps to allow students to skip classes to attend the strike.

Toronto District School Board has asked schools not to schedule tests or an assignment due on September 27, so that academics students will not be affected if they attend the climate strikes. (However, they still need to formally obtain their parents’ permission to miss classes.)

The University of British Columbia is to allow faculty members to cancel classes in support of climate action and said that the students should discuss the room with the instructor.

Commission Scolaire de Montreal – The provincial school board – has called Friday “pedagogical day,” and will close schools.

Students should check with their particular school board to find out what the policy is where they belong.

What strikes hoping to achieve?

The idea is for teens and adults to walk out of their schools and workplaces to show that there is still much to be done to counter the effects of climate change.

“What (climate strikes) can do is show that people are no longer willing to continue business as usual,” read the site Strike Global Climate.

At the UN global summit on Monday, Thunberg said the current plan to tackle the climate crisis is not taking seriously enough, says that strict emission cuts will be discussed only give the world a chance of 50 percent to limit future warming of 0.4 degrees celsius another, which is a global destination.

“We are at the beginning of mass extinctions,” he reminded the world leaders. “And all you can talk about money and tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

Why the climate strikes are so urgent

New climate models show that if carbon emissions continue unabated, average temperatures could rise 6.5-7 degrees Celsius by 2100.

Scientists say that, by 2050, there will be no sea ice in the Arctic in the summer, which means destruction for the people of northern and northern animals such as polar bears and walruses.

mosquito diseases will rise as the planet warms, scientists say, with mosquitoes carrying the disease rarely seen before in the Canadian north.

A marine NASA says that in 80 years, the melting of the Greenland ice could raise sea levels by more than one meter.

Looming extinction of more than one million species of plants and animals, according to a UN report issued in May, due to factors such as pollution, overfishing and habitat degradation.

A report by climate extinguish said this week that the oceans are becoming more acidic and warm, glaciers recede, new diseases breaking out due to the heating of water, and by 2060 it is estimated that coastal flooding off British Columbia and the Maritimes that used to happen once a century will be an annual event.

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