OTTAWA (NEWS 1130) – Almost the same number of Canadians who have tested positive for COVID-19 contracted the coronavirus from traveling as those who got it from the public transmission, Canadian medical health chief on Tuesday.
But since last week, nearly 90 percent of cases reported to public health agencies come from the spread of the virus in the community, said Dr. Theresa Tam.
That is a fundamental shift in the spread of the coronavirus in Canada, he added.
He also noted it is a common misconception virus only affects the elderly or those with underlying health problems.
“All of us can potentially get the disease, and you may not be able to tell whether you are going to get particularly sick,” said Tam.
“I think the message that, I must admit, not really out there enough, and that some young people may not take this very seriously.”
Tam reiterated his request for Canada to maintain a safe distance apart.
Two meters is the distance that an infected droplet can spread from coughs or sneezes to others. “
He also warned to avoid contact with surfaces where the virus can spread, such as door handles, elevator buttons, handrails, and counters.
1/2 Today, 210 Canadians repatriated from the Grand Princess cruise ship completed their 14 day quarantine and departed CFB Trenton.
— Dr. Theresa Tam (@CPHO_Canada) March 24, 2020
“This is why people at high risk, it would be safer to stay indoors as much as possible,” said Tam.
“And if you need to venture out for some fresh air, make your hands away from your face and practice thorough hand washing for 20 seconds as soon as you return home.”
Tam said that globally, there are now more than 380,000 cases recorded from COVID-19 in 195 countries.
Canada has recorded almost 2,000 cases on Tuesday and 27 deaths.
Of the 13 deaths in BC, the majority related to the Care Center Lynn Valley in North Vancouver.
Distilleries across Canada fight COVID-19 by making hand sanitizer
Tam also said 210 were repatriated to Canada cruise ship Grand Princess is now free of symptoms and had been released from quarantine at CFB Trenton in Ontario.
He also said that close to 120,000 Canadians have been tested for the new coronavirus, and, on average, 10,000 days.
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