Home Breaking News Andrew’s 100 Day Action Plan

Andrew’s 100 Day Action Plan

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As the countdown of the election getting close to 21 Oct, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer shared a 100 Day Action Plan that will lead to putting more money in Canadian pockets, creating new job opportunities, break down trade barriers, and establishing new interprovincial free trade agreement.

Scheer said. “Canadians are working harder than ever but just aren’t getting ahead, losing out on billions in trade and opportunity. Only a new Conservative government will work with the provinces and territories to create the kind of economic prosperity and opportunity that will put more money in your pockets so you can get ahead.”

Following this, Scheer will host a meeting in Ottawa on January 6, 2020.

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In this meeting, Scheer will meet Premiers and make strategy(establish a new interprovincial free trade agreement) to remove barriers that are being seen after Trudeau Govt. has signed on to free-trade agreements for the free flow of goods and services within borders.

The meeting will be focused on eliminating trade barriers, results in improved Canada’s economy, productivity and competitiveness.

As Scheer said, “Trade barriers between provinces mean Canadians are missing out on so much opportunity and prosperity”. To increase opportunities for Canadians to work anywhere in Canada, a new Conservative government will expand the Red Seal Program(also known as the “Interprovincial Standards Red Seal Program” that sets common standards to assess the skills of tradespeople across Canada).

Andrew also planning to scrap Carbon Tax, introduces Universal Tax Cut, Children’s Fitness, Arts & Learning Tax Credit and many other beneficial schemes to Canadians.

After seeing all this Action Plan, it seems Scheer is ready to implement it within the first 100 days, if party forms the Government after 21 Oct.

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